If you have old tools lying around the garage that really aren’t getting used, you should consider bringing them into your local pawn shop. The pawn shop offers a nice way to trade your tools in for cash. If you’ve ever tried to sell things on your own before, you probably recognize the amount of work required to get the job done. Instead of spending your valuable time trying to find a buyer for your tools, head to Las Vegas Pawn. That way, you can walk out of the store with cash if your tools are accepted by the owner. Below, we are going to walk you through a few ways to get the most cash for your tools at the pawn shop.
1. Bring All Accessories
One of the mistakes that people often make when trying to get cash for their tools at the pawn shop is forgetting to bring along the accessories that come with the tools. Most hand tool sets that come in a portable container will have a lot of different parts and accessories. It’s up to you to ensure that all of the accessories are included and on hand when you head into the pawn shop. Do a thorough inspection of the tools you plan to bring in and make sure you double-check for any accessories you might have missed.
2. Charge the Batteries
Another way to make sure you will get the most cash for your tools at the pawn shop is to charge up the batteries before you bring them in. That way, the pawn shop owner can see that they are in working order before making their offer. You also need to show the pawn shop owner that the batteries aren’t dead and that they can indeed hold a charge. If you bring your power tools into the pawn shop without charging them, you are seriously hurting your chances of walking out with the maximum cash value.
3. Clean Your Tools
You’d be surprised at how many clients bring their tools to the pawn shop without cleaning them. Try to look at things from the pawn shop owner’s perspective. Do you think they will be more interested in clean tools or tools that have years of dirt caked on them? Make sure that you spend some time cleaning your tools and try to address any rust that might be on the handles. That way, you can walk into the pawn shop with a high-quality tool that will get you the largest amount of cash if the pawn owner decides to do the deal.
Bringing your tools to the pawn shop and exchanging them for cash is a great opportunity. Just make sure you keep the tips mentioned above in mind before you head in to give yourself the best chances of getting a nice cash exchange. Reach out to Las Vegas Pawn today if you have any questions about pawning your tools or pawn shops in general.