Are you in need of cash and fast? Sometimes life happens and you have an emergency, like an unexpected medical bill, car repair, or you just need cash to live. You are not alone — nearly 64 percent of Americans found money to be a “somewhat” or “very significant” cause of stress.
What happens when you don’t have the money to pay for something? Loans can take a while and be hard to get. Have you considered a pawn shop title loan?
Pawn shop title loans are a little different than a typical title loan. Here’s what you need to know about pawning your car for cash.
What Are Pawn Shop Title Loans?
If you have a car you don’t use regularly, you can get a vehicle pawn loan to get your money immediately. You give your car title to the pawn shop as collateral for the loan. You typically have 30 days to repay your loan.
The pawn shop will keep the vehicle during the duration of the loan. This means you should pawn a vehicle you don’t use regularly.
How Much Can I Get?
The amount of your loan depends on the value of your vehicle. Pawn shops will use a standard value system to determine what your car is worth. The amount of the loan depends on that value.
The make of your car along with year and condition determine the value of your vehicle. If you want to see what your car is worth before going to a pawn shop, check Kelley Blue Book.
How Do I Pawn a Car Title?
After you take your vehicle to a pawn shop, the sales associate determines the value of the car. You then get an offer for the loan. After you agree on the amount of the loan, you will get the loan in a check on the spot.
You will leave your title and vehicle at the pawn shop and can pick both items back up after you repay the loan. You can also pawn recreational vehicles such as boats, RVs, and motorcycles.
What’s Required for this Loan?
In order to get these loans, you must own your vehicle, which means it is paid in full. To get a title loan, you will need these items:
- Your vehicle
- Title of the vehicle (must be in your name only)
- Registration
- ID
- Insurance card
- Keys to the vehicle
With these items, you may get a loan from our pawn shop quickly if we agree on the terms.
Things to Consider
There are a couple things you should think about before getting this loan. First, the value your car may not be the same as Kelley Blue Book value. Someone will inspect your car to determine the condition.
As with any loan, there is interest added to the loan amount. You may also have to get extra insurance on your vehicle during the pawn.
Looking for a Pawn Shop?
We understand that life happens and sometimes you need money. When you need cash now, you can check into pawn shop title loans or pawn other items at Las Vegas Pawn. Contact us today to help get the money you need fast.